You are welcome! Maybe some deeper answers can help you more:
- disk to disk backups - Vinchin Backup & Recovery is VM level backup, is disk to disk
- inter-site replication with rate limiting - though Vinchin currently not support
physical server backup, next version in June will support file backup for physical
servers. is this inter-site replication request for your physical servers or virtual
- be able to handle Linux thin volumes (think RHGS) - be able to backup data to this RHGS?
or RHGS as a production storage? anyway,Vinchin can handle it in both.
- support BMR ans granular file / directory restore - file level restore of course
vinchin supported! but I really have no idea what is "BMR" you mentioned.
- correctly handle Windows VSS - application awareness, yes, vinchin supported!
- support RHEL point releases as soon as they are released - if you mean physical servers
running RHEL OS, oops! We can't help you. But if you mean the OS running in RHV and
Hyper-V, then all new point releases will be catched up with by Vinchin!
Hope my answer help you!
You can go to Vinchin website to free try this software and make further evaluation.
Best Regards,