> I've observed this behavior in bug
> We also removed all firewall rules, checked iPXE and I also saw the
> requests
> going out, but no replies getting to the VM.
> But here it sounds like it isn't specific to bonds.
> After all I did not find the solution yet.
In our config, I can see the DHCP offer until the hypervisor bridge interface
toward vm
Just to make sure, is your setup:
NIC -- bridge -- VM?
Or is a bond involved?
NICs (two) - BOND (type 4) - VLAN - BRIDGE - VM
> It is probably a good idea to install the oS with a static IP, and then
> switch to dhcp to then use tcpdump inside the vm to see what is reaching
> the inside.
Already done. Vm do not acquire the IP address and, on the vm side, tcpdump
shows only requests.
At the same time, the DHCP offer s detected on the bridge if of the
With static IP, vm works fine.
Yes, it only seems to be around dhcp.
If you don't have a bond involved, then please reopen the bug abaove, and we try to
someone to look at it.
- fabian
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