I might have found a solution.
After your reply, i've tested reboot option . It does not work normally
But, if i seal vm in audit mode, these steps works;
- boot vm "run ones" mode and sysprep enabled
- run sysprep like this "C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize
/reboot /unattend:D:\Unattend.xml"
after reboot vm will be configured as in Unattend.xml whis is made by ovirt-engine as we
configured in osconfigure and syspre.w10x64 files.
This is the only way i've 'found for now.
The key thing is showing the unattend.xml file whic is in virtual DVDROM Drive.
Windows caches xml file for using next reboot.
I'm not sure but it can cause security issue if this files be cached in windows
permanently. I'll check this out.