I am running into the same issue while attempting a new install of oVirt 4.4 to replace my
hyperconverged 4.3 cluster. I am running into the issue on one of the inital steps
(yum/dnf install cockpit-ovirt-dashboard vdsm-gluster ovirt-host). After some digging, I
found that the version of libvirt that it's looking for (libvirt >= 7.6.0-2) is not
in the CentOS 8 Advanced Virt repo, but is only in the CentOS Stream Advanced Virt repo.
You can see here that libvirt 7.0.0-14.1 is the latest available in the CentOS 8 Advanced
Virt repo:
However, the newer libvirt 7.6.0-2 is available in the 8-stream repo:
I don't know if there will be any ramifications down the road (I'm hoping there
will not be since Stream tracks just behind the next EL point release), however I was able
to get past the error by adding the 8-stream Advanced Virt repo to my systems by creating
the repo file below. It would be nice if a developer could respond and advise if this is a
"safe" solution, or if this is a known problem that they expect to address?
# /etc/yum/repos.d/ovirt-4.4-stream-advanced-virt.repo
name=Advanced Virtualization CentOS Stream testing packages for $basearch