On 02/16/2012 01:27 PM, Michael Pasternak wrote:
Hi All,
I'm happy to announce the general oVirt CLI 2.0 availability,
New features:
- New application core.
- Added support for commands history stack.
- Added support for context aware auto-competition.
auto-completion of course :)
- Dynamic ovirt-engine-sdk metadata discovering.
- Dynamic help for each command and resource.
- Removed restriction for specific version of ovirt-engine-sdk
from 1.5 and further ovirt-engine-cli can work with any
version of sdk (unless sdk introduced cli incompatible change).
- same naming convention in ovirt-engine-cli and ovirt-engine-sdk.
- reformatted output to support reduced and expended modes in
'list' in 'show' commands by --show-all argument.
- new object fields formatting.
- added support for linux bash commands from the cli.
- shell redirection support.
- added SSL connection capabilities to 'connect' command.
- added API version discovering mechanism.
- use 'help' for syntax/arguments questions.
- use <TAB> completion for option variables as they get converted to
command line options with different syntax.
- cli still requires super-user, this restriction will be drooped at
next version.
Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D