I viewed the certificate using vi I did see the "Begin Certificate" and
"End Certificate" with the certificate in between. I tried adding a new
Storage Domain that I wanted to use to store ISO's. It wasn't until then that I
found out that I need a certificate. I went to the main page and saw that I that there
was a link to the Engine CA Certificate. Click/selected the link and saved the
certificate. Then tried to import it into the FireFox browser, which when I started
getting the request for a password when trying to import it into the browser.
I noticed an issue with the Storage Domain that tried to add, I'm getting message in
the event logs that the engine is not able to access to domain. Upon further
investigation I put the storage domain in maintenance mode. I've tried to delete the
domain or re-activated it with no success so far. This may also be contributing to the
So first how do I resolve the issue with the storage domain? I've tried to simply
mount it and got the following message:
mount: HPDL380Gen10:/var/Shared-Resources/NFS/VM-ISO: can't find in /etc/fstab.
I know that things are screwed up, please working me I'm just learning.