Hello everyone!
I'm running oVirt 3.5, and recently had an issue with a split brain
situation in the hosted engine's image. After solving that, I got the
engine up an running, but something went wrong with my main storage.
I have a datacenter with main storage being ISCSI, called vms-main-storage.
This storagedomain is marked as inactive. The only action I can attemp to
do to it is activate it. But it won't. It just fails and no reason is given
in the web ui. I also tried activating it through the cli, and result is
status 400, reason bad request, detail internal engine error. Strange thing
is that VM's are still running with their images in this storage and they
are running with no problem at all!
How can I have this storagedomain again in a healthy state???
Luciano Natale