We are using Gluster as our storage backend. Gluster is configured as 2
node replica. The two nodes are name nix and jupiter. At the Ovirt (RHEV
really) end we have the gluster path configured as "nix:/gluster-rhev",
with a mount option of "backupvolfile-server=jupiter.om.net". We now
need to replace nix with a new server, which cannot have the same name.
That new server will be the primary, with jupiter remaining the secondary.
We will have all VMs and hypervisors shut down when we make this change.
What is the best and/or easiest way to do this? Should we just
disconnect the storage and re-attach it using the new gluster primary?
If we do that will our VMs just work or do we need to take other steps?
An alternative, which I suspect will be somewhat controversial, would be
to make a direct edit of the engine database. Would that work any better
or does that add more dangers (assuming the edit is done correctly)?