Hi Gianluce,
The Host which creates the disks, or any storage related allocation
operation is only the SPM in the DC.
On 03/24/2013 10:30 AM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Maor Lipchuk wrote:
> Hi Gianluca,
> You can set the VM to run on a specific host, when editing the VM and
> choose the Host tab and Run On a specific host
> Generally, you can configure your cluster to use three different types
> of selections: None, Even Distributed and Power Saving.
> This can be set at the Cluster Policy tab, when you edit the cluster.
> By default the cluster is using None policy, which actually runs the
> even distributed algorithm when you run a VM.
Yes, I know very well this.
My observation was about another thing:
the disk clone operation itself, that is one step of the "clone from
snapshot" activity; the process
/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -t none -f qcow2 ....
that starting from disk of VM1 creates the disk of VM2 (its clone)
I presumed that if host1 had in charge VM1, it would have been host1
in charge of making the disk clone.
Instead I observed that the disk clone operation was in charge of host2...
Hope it is more clear now....
It has nothing to do with which host then will run the clone