I'm utilizing the latest node ISO
(ovirt-node-ng-installer-ovirt-4.1-2017050204.iso), upon installing on a
system I utilize the Web Cockpit UI to install the 4.1 hosted engine
(successfully), resulting in the following engine version:
The node is also running
After installing the engine and accessing the Engine Web Admin I'm
encountering the following issues:
- I'm not seeing any storage domains in the console (though the engine
is installed using NFS).
- Attempts to import the NFS storage domain that the engine resides in
(for other VMs to also reside in) fail due to inability to find host ID.
- Attempts to add (import) the storage domain again once again fails,
though this time it states that the Storage connection already
exists (yet
it isn't listed in the storage domains).
- The hosted engine doesn't show up in the console, though Bug 1269768
states that was supposed to be corrected in 3.6.1
- Installing (from the same ISO) subsequent hosts and then using the
Engine to bring the node in to the cluster, the additional nodes don't have
the ability to run the hosted engine (based on the lack of the crown icon),
preventing the original node from entering maintenance mode as the engine
(which can't be seen) isn't able to migrate to a different node.
I'm not sure where to begin reviewing/troubleshooting based on these
items. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.