> Is it possible now to search for groups instead of users / manipulate
> groups in the web interface ?
Sure, if you type some search term into UI users/permissions dialog it
will also search for groups.
Thank you for all your answers, we can say my problem is now solved
Note in 4.0 we have split groups and users, and you have to select
which type
you want to search for. This is to reduce the number of queries to the LDAP
Interesting, I'll have a look at all the features.
> In that case, the dn would be different, is it possible to
> multiple dn namespaces ?
Unfortunatelly, it's not currently possible, but feel free to open an
RFE in bugzilla for this feature, we can implement it in future version
if needed.
I already spend my days on the bugzilla for both ovirt and RHEV, but I'll add this to
my list :)