On 06/10/2013 02:07 PM, MEP wrote:
Il 09. 06. 13 11:36, Itamar Heim ha scritto:
> On 06/09/2013 10:53 AM, Noam Slomianko wrote:
>> vds_name holds the name you give to the Host in the UI when you add it
>> to ovirt.
>> So make sure that you try and give it a new name when you add it in
>> the UI and that no other host has this name.
>> If you enter in ovirt a new name that you have never used for any
>> other host and still get this message I believe that this is a bug and
>> that the error message is wrong somehow.
>> In that case please attach engine logs.
Yes I tried with a new name/new mac/new ip/etc. too.
> unique id isn't about the name, rather the host uuid as reported by the
> host.
> MEP - did you remove the old host from the engine? do you have any other
> host in the engine?
No I have other hosts in the engine but not in the same DC/cluster.
The only way I have found to solve the problem is to connect to the db
and delete from vds_statistics where vds_id='" + vds_id + "'"
strange, if the uniqueness violation is in vds static (below error), why
did deleting it from vds_statistics solve the issue.
After I can add again the host in the other DC.
This is the error in the log.
2013-06-05 01:12:53,610 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVdsCommand]
(ajp--12 [16fab49f] Command
org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVdsCommand throw
exception: org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException:
back; SQL [{call insertvdsstatic(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}]; ERROR: duplicate key value violates
unique con
straint "vds_static_vds_name_unique"
Detail: Key (vds_name)=(gauss) already exists.
Where: SQL statement "INSERT INTO vds_static(vds_id,host_name, ip,
vds_unique_id, port, vds_group_id, vds_name, server_SSL_enabled,
pm_proxy_preferences, pm_secondary_ip,
pm_secondary_type, pm_secondary_user,
pm_secondary_password, pm_secondary_port,
pm_secondary_options, pm_secondary_concurrent,
vds_spm_priority, sshKeyFingerprint)
VALUES(v_vds_id,v_host_name, v_ip,
v_vds_unique_id, v_port, v_vds_group_id, v_vds_name, v_server_SSL_enabled,
pm_proxy_preferences, pm_secondary_ip,
pm_secondary_type, pm_secondary_user,
pm_secondary_password, pm_secondary_port,
pm_secondary_options, pm_secondary_concurrent,
vds_spm_priority, sshKeyFingerprint)
VALUES(v_vds_id,v_host_name, v_ip,
v_vds_unique_id, v_port, v_vds_group_id, v_vds_name, v_server_SSL_enabled,
v_pm_secondary_ip, v_pm_secondary_type, v_pm_secondary_user,
v_pm_secondary_port, v_pm_secondary_options, v_pm_secondary_concurrent,
v_vds_spm_priority, v_sshKeyFingerprint)"
If you want the entire log let me know where to send it.