Hello Guys,
I am trying to fix an issue with "hooks conflict".
Basically, I am seeing an exclamation mark for the hook
"57glusterfind-delete-post.py" due to hooks conflict.
I am seeing this in Ovirt >> Clusters >> GlusterStorage >> Gluster Hooks
>> "57glusterfind-delete-post.py"
When I started, the hook "57glusterfind-delete-post.py" was missing in some
gluster hosts. So, I used "Resolve Conflicts" option and copied hooks in all
gluster hosts.
Now, I am able to see the hook in all gluster hosts and I am able to see same md5 sum for
all hosts
However, the exclamation mark for "57glusterfind-delete-post.py" is still
When I examined each hook in "Resolve Content Conflict" option, I noticed that
same code is shown for hook for all gluster hosts. However, the code is not shown when I
check engine. Engine also shows same md5 sum as other gluster hosts.
I tried to run "Resolve Conflicts" with "Resolve Content Conflict"
option to copy the hook from a gluster host to others. However, the tool failed to see any
content difference and it is giving me the error "Error while executing action:
Cannot edit Gluster Hook. There are no conflicting servers to add or update hook."
I think it is because same md5 sum is found for all.
Any ideas or insights about a solution is much appreciated.