I've just installed hosted-engine. It proceeds to near the end of the Ansible script,
then pauses at:
"TASK [Check engine VM health]"
then eventually errors:
"Engine VM is not running, please check vdsm logs. The VDSM logs have error:
"libvirtError: internal error: Unknown CPU model Broadwell-IBRS-SSBD"
Also, in the oVirt Node webui, the HostedEngine VM is created, but not started. If I
press Run, the following error is shown:
VM START action failed
error: Failed to start domain HostedEngine error: internal error: Unknown CPU model
I notice a Trello card was created to add similar Skylake & EPYC CPUs, but not
Does the Broadwell-IBRS-SSBD CPU need to be added to this supported types list?
Many thanks.