I would like to know what happens to storage when using the different method of cloning or
generating VMs using templates / pools.
I'd like to know also in what case VM and virtual disks are totally independent and in
what case they are not.
Sadly the RHEV documentation doesn't really provide these informations and I don't
find any explicit informations about it.
For example, when making a VM from template, using pre-allocated disk option, for a 50GB
Virtual disk, it only uses 3GB on the physical disk.
Another example, when making a pool of 10 VMs, based on a VM with a 50 GB virtual disk,
only 2GB more space is used on the physical disk.
What is exactly done when this happens ?
Here are the case I would like to have informations about (physical storage, and
independence of VMs) :
- using simple "clone function"
- making VM from template with "clone" mode
- making VM from template with "thin" mode
- making VM in pools
Is there modes calculating only the difference from the original VM, and other modes
copying totally the informations from the virtual disk from the original VM ?