I have a three node oVirt 4.3.7 cluster that is using GlusterFS as the underlying storage
(each oVirt node is a GlusterFS node). The nodes are named ovirt1, ovirt2, and ovirt3.
This has been working wonderfully until last week when ovirt2 crashed (it is *old*
hardware; this was not entirely unexpected).
Now I have this situation: all three oVirt nodes are acting as if the GlusterFS volumes
only exist on ovirt2. The bricks on all three nodes appear to be in sync.
I *think* this began happening after I restarted ovirt2 (once hard, and once soft) and
then restarted glusterd (and only glusterd) on ovirt1 and ovirt3 after `gluster-eventsapi
status` on those two nodes showed inconsistent results (this had been used with success
How can I make the oVirt nodes read and write from their local bricks?