On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 1:08 AM Gianluca Cecchi
<gianluca.cecchi(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> ovirt_imageio._internal.nbd.ReplyError: Writing to file
failed: [Error 28] No space left on device
> This error is expected if you don't have space to write the data.
I forgot to mention that running backup on engine host is not recommended.
It is better to run the backup on the hypervisor, speeding up the data copy.
You can mount the backup directory on the hypervisor (e.g. nfs) and
use --backup-dir
to store the backup where it should be.
>> Now if I try the same backup command (so with
"full" option) and I get
>> ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is
"[Cannot backup VM. The VM is during a backup operation.]". HTTP response code
is 409.
> This looks like a bug in the backup script - the backup should be finalized
> even if the image transfer failed, but the error you get say the vm is still
> in backup mode.
>> How can I clean the situation?
> 1. Stop the current backup
> If you still have the output from the command, we log the backup UUID.
> If you lost the backup id, you can get it using the API - visit this address in your
> Then stop the current backup using:
> /usr/share/doc/python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4/examples/backup_vm.py stop vm-id
> If stopping the backup failed, stopping the VM will stop the backup.
> I hope you are running recent enough version, since in early versions there
> was a bug when you cannot stop the vm during a backup.
It is the latest 4.4.7. I run the backup_vm.py script from the engine:
Looks good.
But if I try the stop command I get the error
[g.cecchi@ovmgr1 ~]$ python3
/usr/share/doc/python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4/examples/backup_vm.py -c ovmgr1 stop
dc386237-1e98-40c8-9d3d-45658163d1e2 68f83141-9d03-4cb0-84d4-e71fdd8753bb
[ 0.0 ] Finalizing backup '68f83141-9d03-4cb0-84d4-e71fdd8753bb'
Traceback (most recent call last):
ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault
detail is "[Cannot stop VM backup. The VM backup is not in READY phase, backup phase
is FINALIZING. Please try again when the backup is in READY phase.]". HTTP response
code is 409.
So your backup was already finalized, and it is stuck in "finalizing" phase.
Usually this means the backup on libvirt side was already stopped, but engine
failed to detect this and failed to complete the finalize step
(ovirt-engine bug).
You need to ensure if the backup was stopped on vdsm side.
- If the vm was stopped, the bacukp is not running
- If the vm is running, we can make sure the backup is stopped using
vdsm-client VM stop_backup
If this succeeds, the backup is not running on vdsm side.
If this fails, you may need stop the VM to end the backup.
If the backup was stopped, you may need to delete the scratch disks
used in this backup.
You can find the scratch disks ids in engine logs, and delete them
from engine UI.
Finally, after you cleaned up vdsm side, you can delete the backup
from engine database,
and unlock the disks.
Pavel, can you provide instructions on how to clean up engine db after
stuck backup?
After vdsm and engine were cleaned, new backup should work normally.
> 2. File a bug about this
Filed this one, hope its is correct; I chose ovirt-imageio as the product and Client as
the component:
In general backup bugs should be filed for ovirt-engine. ovirt-imageio
is rarely the
cause for a bug. We will move the bug to ovirt-imageio if needed.