Fixed. It was the trailing 0's in ifcfg-em1 (IPADDR0, etc...) which had to
be removed.
2013/12/9 Pascal Jakobi <pascal.jakobi(a)>
[root@lab2 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps
HBAInventory = {'FC': [], 'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName':
ISCSIInitiatorName = ''
bondings = {'bond0': {'addr': '',
'cfg': {},
'hwaddr': '2e:7e:ce:bb:f4:f2',
'ipv6addrs': [],
'mtu': '1500',
'netmask': '',
'slaves': []}}
bridges = {}
clusterLevels = ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3']
cpuCores = '4'
cpuFlags =
cpuModel = 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz'
cpuSockets = '1'
cpuSpeed = '2880.000'
cpuThreads = '8'
emulatedMachines = ['pc',
guestOverhead = '65'
hooks = {}
kvmEnabled = 'true'
lastClient = ''
lastClientIface = 'em1'
management_ip = ''
memSize = '16001'
netConfigDirty = 'True'
networks = {}
nics = {'em1': {'addr': '',
'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
'DEFROUTE': 'yes',
'DNS1': '',
'DOMAIN': 'home',
'GATEWAY0': '',
'HWADDR': '00:1A:6B:51:DE:B4',
'IPADDR0': '',
'IPV6INIT': 'yes',
'IPV6_AUTOCONF': 'yes',
'IPV6_DEFROUTE': 'yes',
'IPV6_PEERDNS': 'yes',
'NAME': 'em1',
'ONBOOT': 'yes',
'PREFIX0': '24',
'TYPE': 'Ethernet',
'hwaddr': '00:1a:6b:51:de:b4',
'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::21a:6bff:fe51:deb4/64'],
'mtu': '1500',
'netmask': '',
'speed': 100}}
operatingSystem = {'name': 'Fedora', 'release': '5',
'version': '19'}
packages2 = {'kernel': {'buildtime': 1384978944.0,
'release': '200.fc19.x86_64',
'version': '3.11.9'},
'libvirt': {'buildtime': 1384730741,
'release': '2.fc19',
'version': ''},
'mom': {'buildtime': 1385055339, 'release':
'version': '0.3.2'},
'qemu-img': {'buildtime': 1384728923,
'release': '14.fc19',
'version': '1.4.2'},
'qemu-kvm': {'buildtime': 1384728923,
'release': '14.fc19',
'version': '1.4.2'},
'spice-server': {'buildtime': 1383130020,
'release': '3.fc19',
'version': '0.12.4'},
'vdsm': {'buildtime': 1384274283, 'release':
'version': '4.13.0'}}
reservedMem = '321'
software_revision = '11'
software_version = '4.13'
supportedENGINEs = ['3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3']
supportedProtocols = ['2.2', '2.3']
uuid = '0A583269-811F-E211-AA06-001A6B51DEB4'
version_name = 'Snow Man'
vlans = {}
vmTypes = ['kvm']
[root@lab2 ~]#
2013/12/9 Mike Kolesnik <mkolesni(a)>
> ------------------------------
> ok. I reinstalled everything. My F19 host has only an em1 ethernet I/F. I
> am on 3.3.
> However, setting up the host fails in its last stage (setting up mgmt
> network).
> Can you please attach updated output of 'vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps' on
> this host?
> 2013/12/8 Mike Kolesnik <mkolesni(a)>
>> Hi Pascal,
>> VDSM for 3.3 is only working on F19 so since you downgraded the host you
>> won't get it.
>> Try to upgrade the host back to F19 and use the workaround suggested by
>> Toni (create the ifcfg file for your NIC).
>> Or am I missing something in your setup?
>> P.S. I also have a working F19 host with latest VDSM
>> Regards,
>> Mike
*Pascal Jakobi*
116 rue de Stalingrad
93100 Montreuil, France
*+33 6 87 47 58 19 <%2B33%206%2087%2047%2058%2019>*Pascal.Jakobi(a)
*Pascal Jakobi*
116 rue de Stalingrad
93100 Montreuil, France
*+33 6 87 47 58 19*Pascal.Jakobi(a)