In my experience OVA exports and imports saw very little QA, even within oVirt itself,
right up to OVA exports full of zeros on the last 4.3 release (in preparation for a
migration to 4.4).
The OVA format also shows very little practical interoperatbility, I've tried and
failed in pretty much every direction between VMware, oVirt/RHV, VirtualBox, Xcp-ng and
So transporting the disk images and recreating the machine is certainly the more promising
option and something that I've used myself, where the guest OS was ready to accept
Sparse images are another issue, as you have noticed, especially since the normal
upload/import interfaces love to expand them. So if there is any resizing to be done, best
do it once the disk image is inside oVirt, not before.
Migrating (handcrated) images has been regarded as being inferior to automated builds to
such a degree, that QA seems to have completely abandoned any effort there, long before
oVirt was abandoned itself.