I attempted to setup and all-in-one solution on Fedora 19. I ran through the install which
made a default data center and cluster. I created a host with and then attempted
to add the bridge that the test day documentation states does not get handled properly.
After many reboots and disabling NetworkManager.service and enabling network.service as
well as manually editing the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files I had a network
connection and reduced the "errors" that seem to be keeping my host in the
Nonfunctional state to:
Host Localhost does not comply with the cluster Default emulated machines. The Hosts
emulated machines are <UNKNOWN> and the cluster is [rhel6.4.0, pc-1.0]}
Recommendations of something I may be doing wrong? Has running 3.3 on F19 been a bad
choice on my part? Bug?