On 09/15/2015 11:02 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville wrote:
I’m trying to retrieve datacenters clusters hosts and vms by using
ovirt python script needing some imports :
/import sys/
/from ovirtsdk.api import API/
/from ovirtsdk.xml import params/
/from threading import Thread/
/import time/
/import logging/
Then I got following error :
Ø python test2.py
/Traceback (most recent call last):/
/ File "test2.py", line 32, in <module>/
/ from ovirtsdk.api import API/
/ImportError: No module named ovirtsdk.api/
As I run it on a “fresh install” rhel7 server ( python has been added),
I’m wondering what’s the minimum packages list I’ve to install
on this machine to be able to run this script ? ( I run it correctly on
the system where the ovirt engine is installed)
As you are using a fresh install of RHEL 7 you won't probably have the
oVirt repositories configured yet, so you will need to configure them:
# yum install
The you need to install the ovirt-engine-sdk-python package:
# yum install ovirt-engine-sdk-python
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