Dear Friends:
I am still stuck at
task path: /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.features/roles/gluster_hci/tasks/hci_volumes.yml:67
"One or more bricks could be down. Please execute the command again after bringing
all bricks online and finishing any pending heals", "Volume heal failed."
I refined /etc/lvm/lvm.conf to:
filter =
"a|^/dev/nvme.n1|", "a|^/dev/dm-1.|", "r|.*|"]
and have also rebuilt the servers again. The output of gluster volume status shows bricks
up but no ports for self-heal daemon:
[root@fmov1n2 ~]# gluster volume status data
Status of volume: data
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
/data/data 49153 0 Y 244103
/data/data 49155 0 Y 226082
/data/data 49155 0 Y 225948
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 224255
Self-heal Daemon on N/A N/A Y 233992
Self-heal Daemon on N/A N/A Y 224245
Task Status of Volume data
There are no active volume tasks
The output of gluster volume heal <volname> info shows connected to the local
self-heal daemon but transport endpoint is not connected to the two remote daemons. This
is the same for all three hosts.
I have followed the solutions here:
and also here:
with no success.
I have changed to a different DNS/DHCP server and still have the same issues. Could this
somehow be related to the direct cabling for my storage/Gluster network (no switch)?
/etc/nsswitch.conf is set to file dns and pings all work, but dig and does not for storage
(I understand this is to be expected).
Again, as always, any pointers or wisdom is greatly appreciated. I am out of ideas.
Thank you!