Yea, that's right - i use dmidecode to get vmname in my init-script, I
found it more convenient than reading some files. Besides, i've run into
same problem as you with payload - it was added to domxml via hook, but
somehow wasn't available inside VM. But i never did more troubleshooting
of that problem, bios hack was enough for me.
Yuriy Demchenko
On 08/21/2013 01:32 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
Thanks a lot, Yuriy.
That's an interesting solution you came up with. Although I'm unsure if
I like to use bios fields for this. Beside this "little bios hack"
you're doing the same as with payloads except you're properly using
dmidecode in your init-script to get the vm name instead of mounting a
floppy and reading content of a file.