On 09/18/2014 08:18 AM, Chandrahasa S wrote:
Dear Experts.
We are Integrating our internal cloud portal with Ovirt / RHEVM version
We are integrating our internal cloud with Ovirt / RHEVM. VM template
created using cloud init.
Through REST API Nippet while codes passes command to template ( with
cloud init) IP, HOSTNAME, We are able to set IP and Hostname to VM
through code.
But post this Manager getting handed. Error code is attached.
Need your help please.
If I understand correctly you already created a template with the cloud
init configuration, then you created a VM from that template, and you
want to modify it and start it. In order to update the VM you need to
issue a PUT request, and the tag name for the host is "host_name":
String updateXml =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<vm>"
+ "<initialization>"
+ "<regenerate_ssh_keys>false</regenerate_ssh_keys>"
+ "<nic_configurations>"
+ "<nic_configuration>"
+ "<name>eth0</name>"
+ "<ip address=\"\"
+ "<boot_protocol>static</boot_protocol>"
+ "<on_boot>true</on_boot>"
+ "</nic_configuration>"
+ "</nic_configurations>"
+ "</initialization>"
+ "</vm>";
StringEntity updateEntity = new StringEntity(updateXml);
HttpPut updateRequest = new HttpPut(apiUrl + "/vms/" + vmId);
updateRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
updateRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
HttpResponse updateResponse = client.execute(updateRequest);
Then, after the update, you need to start the VM and it will use that
String startXml =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<action/>";
StringEntity startEntity = new StringEntity(startXml);
HttpPost startRequest = new HttpPost(apiUrl + "/vms/" + vmId +
startRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
startRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
HttpResponse startResponse = client.execute(startRequest);
Some advices:
* Check the XML schema for the structure of the XML documents:
* When sending requests to the RESTAPI makes sure to always explicitly
add the Content-Type and Accept headers:
yourRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
yourRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
* Take into account that the initialization with cloud-init will only be
executed the first time you start the VM, so in your tests you will need
to remove the VM and create it again.
* If you are planning to do complex things you may find it helpful the
Java SDK:
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