On 01/25/2013 01:15 PM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
*De: *"Juan Hernandez" <jhernand(a)redhat.com>
> Update VdcBootStrapUrl section.
> But I don't like that currently you have to issue a database
update like this:
> psql -c "update vdc_options set option_value =
'http://new.manager.com:80/Components/vds/' where option_name =
'VdcBootStrapUrl'" -U postgres engine
The alternative to the SQL statement is the engine-config tool:
engine-config -s VdcBootStrapUrl=http://...
In version 3.2 this parameter has been removed.
And what does that mean exactly?
The parameter is not longer needed because the url resolution is done in
another way?
Maybe other parametre in ovirt 3.2 needs to be updated? With which
command then?
So far I'm going to update the wiki with 'only needed in 3.1 version'
reference and I will update it as needed.
Up to version 3.1 that parameter was needed because during host
registration the host initiated connections to the engine web server to
download several files (certificates, scripts, etc). This parameter was
the base of some of those files (mostly scripts).
Starting with version 3.2 the engine sends all the required files to the
hosts using SSH, so there is no need for this parameter. See the
following URL for more details:
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