On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 12:49 AM, Dan Lavu <dan(a)redhat.com> wrote:
So this is on 4.0.1, Fedora 23, the engine is running fine on
on a 3 replica arbiter 1 volume, the hosted_engine attached storage domain
is *stuck* in offline, wondernig if there is anyway to fix that? Since the
domain cannot be managed inside the engine.
Stuck as in error importing the hosted_storage domain? Were there any
errors in engine/vdsm logs related to this?
Also I have gluster enabled for one of my clusters but I'm missing a
volumes tab to manage the gluster volumes? The hosts, when putting them
into maintenaince, I have the option to turn off gluster... I know in
3.5-3.6 volume management was a feature, did this change?
No, this has not changed. When you edit your cluster - do you see 2
checkboxes "Enable virt service" and "Enable Gluster service" ? Is
gluster service enabled here?
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