I have seen similar behaviour in Anakonda even with regular disks.Please try to boot from
the instalaltion media and go for troubleshooting.Then , just get a console (Ctrl + Alt +
Fx - where x is between 1 and 12) and wipe the beginning of your NVMe.Something like:dd
if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M count=100 status=progress
Then reboot and try again.
I assume that you do not have anything on it.
Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov
В четвъртък, 18 юли 2019 г., 19:53:57 ч. Гринуич+3, bossman90(a)gmail.com
<bossman90(a)gmail.com> написа:
While installer is loading.
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