Sorry for the late answer. I was kind of busy. I reply inline below.
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Martin Kletzander" <mkletzan(a)>
Para: "Itamar Heim" <iheim(a)>
CC: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.gibanel(a)>, users(a),
Raju" <rajujith(a)>
Enviados: Martes, 19 de Febrero 2013 15:11:05
Asunto: Re: [Users] ovirt reporting wrong cpu family
On 02/16/2013 10:02 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> Adrian - can you later please wikify this recurring question?
If this is related to libvirt detecting the wrong CPU, we have a
wiki page [1] for that either, you can link to that in yours (or maybe
it'll help you write it).
Thank you. I'll take a look. More below.
>> On 16/02/2013 18:56, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
>>> I happen to have the same problem in oVirt 3.1 on Fedora.
>>> Any workaround?
>>> $ sudo vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps | grep -i flags ; echo -e -n "\n"
>>> /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | head -n 1
>>> cpuFlags =
At first, let me say that this is very weird CPU detection as
to these flags, the processor described in here should be "Nehalem".
Could you try running 'virsh -r capabilities' on the host to check what
libvirt reports?
Here you are:
<topology sockets='1' cores='2' threads='2'/>
<feature name='rdtscp'/>
<feature name='avx'/>
<feature name='osxsave'/>
<feature name='xsave'/>
<feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
<feature name='pdcm'/>
<feature name='xtpr'/>
<feature name='tm2'/>
<feature name='est'/>
<feature name='vmx'/>
<feature name='ds_cpl'/>
<feature name='monitor'/>
<feature name='dtes64'/>
<feature name='pclmuldq'/>
<feature name='pbe'/>
<feature name='tm'/>
<feature name='ht'/>
<feature name='ss'/>
<feature name='acpi'/>
<feature name='ds'/>
<feature name='vme'/>
<cells num='1'>
<cell id='0'>
<cpus num='4'>
<cpu id='0'/>
<cpu id='1'/>
<cpu id='2'/>
<cpu id='3'/>
<arch name='i686'>
<machine canonical='pc-1.0'>pc</machine>
<domain type='qemu'>
<domain type='kvm'>
<machine canonical='pc-1.0'>pc</machine>
<acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
<apic default='on' toggle='no'/>
<arch name='x86_64'>
<machine canonical='pc-1.0'>pc</machine>
<domain type='qemu'>
<domain type='kvm'>
<machine canonical='pc-1.0'>pc</machine>
<acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
<apic default='on' toggle='no'/>
There might be a possible workaround if you want your CPU to be
identified as different model, most probably by editing
'/usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml', but that should be omitted since it
may lead to problems.
Non applicable workaround then. I should have expected it.
Ok, I prefer not having additional problems.
>>> model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2130 CPU @ 3.40GHz
And as I see the CPU is SandyBridge, so this should be solved
(probably a bug somewhere or very low-level misconfiguration). Check
[1], maybe some features can get enabled.
The machine is in a datacentre so I doubt I can change any BIOS or UEFI settings.
Adrián Gibanel
I.T. Manager
+34 675 683 301
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