I see you are using 4.4 standalone;
by standalone do you mean all-in-one? or separate engine and hosts?
In 4.4 the change in imageio means it's not compatible with all-in-one
anymore, i'll be raising a bug request to support this later today (but
officially all-in-one support ended in 4.0 so i don't know if the bug
will be actioned).
Kind Regards,
On 22/08/2020 12:06, David White via Users wrote:
Ok, that at least got the certificate trusted.
Thank you for the fast response on that!
The certificate is now installed and trusted, and I removed the exception in Firefox.
(Screenshots attached)
Unfortunately, the upload is still not working.
I'm still getting the same error message that "Connection to ovirt-imageio-proxy
service has failed."