On 23/04/2015 5:18 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
Once upon a time, Jason Keltz <jas(a)cse.yorku.ca> said:
> (I'm asking because I've kickstarted CentOS 7.1 as a host, and am
> having a few problems (eg. unable to talk to power management) and
> want to avoid debugging if it's already known to be broken... :)
The power management appears to be a bug between vdsm and the fence
agents. Are you using fence_ipmilan? It seems to not be seeing
Otherwise, I'm running CentOS 7.1 + ovirt 3.5.1 on hosts okay.
engine as well?
I thought I'd read something about that not working
here... and I think I remember reading a blurb in the release notes for
3.5.2 about fixing compatibility with CentOS 7.1.
My work-around (quick-n-dirty hack until I have more time to look
file an appropriate bug) for fence_ipmilan is the following script in
/usr/local/sbin (I just need the "lanplus" option, adjust as needed):
cat - > /tmp/ipmi.$$
echo -e '\nlanplus=1' >> /tmp/ipmi.$$
cat /tmp/ipmi.$$ | /usr/sbin/fence_ipmilan.real $@
rm -f /tmp/ipmi.$$
Yep .. It's for an idrac7... I need lanplus and a few other options as
well (which are apprently integrated into 3.5.2).. It was working
perfectly with ovirt-node, but now that I've switched from node to using
my own CentOS 7.1 install, the problem was introdued. It's not clear if
the same problem would occur if I was running CentOS 7. There were a
lot of errors in the engine log. I will look into more detail tomorrow.
Thanks Chris!