On 02/27/2012 09:11 PM, Sharad Mishra wrote:
On Fri, 2012-02-24 at 22:19 +0200, Yair Zaslavsky wrote:
> On 02/24/2012 09:19 PM, Sharad Mishra wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to ovirt and LDAP. Looking at adding support for Tivoli
>> Directory Server. Here is a small java/jndi program (not using Spring
>> LDAP) that takes IBM intranet Id and searches the directory to return
>> IBM serial number.
> Hi Sharard, welcome aboard.
> First of all, although this can be found in our mailing list, I would
> like to point you that currently Roy Golan (rgolan at redhat dot com),
> Oved ourfali (ovedo at redhat dot com) and myself are the people that
> work mostly on ldap/authentication issues at engine-core - so feel free
> to ask us questions.
> In addition, I would like to give you a WIKI to help that will give you
> some "getting started info" (This WIKI was written by Oved) -
Yair, Thanks for your prompt reply. I did find a link to above wiki page
in one of Oved's earlier post on this mailing list. I found the
documentation very helpful.
Glad to hear, keep us posted.
>> *********
>> Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
>> env.put("java.naming.factory.initial",
>> "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
>> env.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs",
>> env.put("java.naming.provider.url",
>> "ldap://<ldap-server>:389");
>> String dn = null;
>> try{
>> InitialDirContext dirContext = new
>> InitialDirContext(env);
>> SearchControls constraints = new
>> SearchControls();
>> String[] attr = new String[] {"uid"};
>> constraints.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE);
>> constraints.setReturningAttributes(attr);
>> NamingEnumeration ne =
>> dirContext.search("ou=<ldpap-server-name>,o=ibm.com",
>> "(mail=" + intranetID + ")",
>> constraints);
>> **************
>> But when I try to use
>> org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.ipa.SimpleAuthenticationCheck.java, I get a
>> "javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid
>> Credentials]"
>> I am issuing - ldapTemplate.search("", "", contextMapper);
>> Where contextMapper is RHDSUserContextMapper and
>> screenshots of ldapTemplate are attached.
> As you willl probably see in Oved's WIKI, you don't need to provide
> RHDSUserContextMapper - the name may be misleading, but this class is
> for RedHat DS directory service - I think you need to have context
> mappers for IBM Tivoli DS.
> In addition you will have to add your own provider type, as can be seen
> for example in GetRootDSE java (we send a ROOT DSE query in order to
> "understand" what is our provider type, as currently engine-core
> supports more than one type of DS.
Yes, I understand that there will be much more code changes to add
support for a new LDAP server. But my this post was to find the reason
for AuthenticationException.
>> There may be issues with the way I have setup filter and baseDN; but
>> that should not give AuthEx. At this time I am looking for ways to get
>> rid of authentication exception. Also, when using simple authentication,
>> why do I need to give password? I can run "ldapsearch -LLL
>> "(mail=<intranetID>)" -h <ldap-server>:389 -x" without
password to give
>> me expected results.
> This is a good question - I admit I did not work thoroughly enough with
> SIMPLE authentication - maybe we can bypass this.
> I looked at the code of this class - it uses Spring-LDAP
> LdapContextSource class which extends AbstractContextSource which uses
> SimpleDirContextAuthenticationStrategy as the default "authentication
> strategy" - so I guess that "playing" with the code of this example,
> ignoring the password may work for you.
Thanks for the hint. While "playing" with AbstractContextSource class, I
was able to find the property AnonymousReadOnly. Setting it to 'true'
eliminated the AuthEx.
Sharad Mishra
> I would like to also point out that when I look at Spring-LDAP's
> SimpleDirContextAuthenticationStrategy I it does set
> env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password) (look at public void
> setupEnvironment method ) - so what I have in mind is that you might
> need to create your own AuthenticationStrategy - see for example
> org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.adbroker.GSSAPIDirContextAuthenticationStrategy -
> an authentication strategy that Oved, Roy and myself worked on to
> support kerberos/GSS-API authentication with Spring-LDAP.
> You will have to call after you implement such strategy a call to
> context.setAuthenticationStategy with your implemented
> AuthenticationStategy (for example, I think it can be placed after the
> line of - LdapContextSource context = new LdapContextSource(); at
> SimpleAuthenticationCheck.java
> I think I gave you some pointers here,
> Feel free to ask more questions
> Yair
>> Thanks
>> Sharad Mishra
>> IBM
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