On Thu, 23 Feb 2012, Yaniv Kaul wrote:
LDAP cannot be 'just used'. It needs to be connected to (we
use Kerberos,
many use SSL/TLS) and it needs the correct schema configuration.
FreeIPA uses Kerberos and LDAP.
True, but I use LDAP to auth a bunch of boxes on a private network and
that seams to work fine. Anyway... Still trying to get this to work. I now
have freeipa installed with a user setup. I am able to kinit that user and
everything works fine however I get the following error:
[root@ovirt-engine log]# engine-manage-domains -action=add
-domain=blinkmind.net -user=nathan -passwordFile=/etc/shadow -interactive
Error: exception message: Integrity check on decrypted field failed (31)
Failure while testing domain
blinkmind.net. Details: Kerberos error.
Please check log for further details.
Nathan Stratton CTO,
BlinkMind, Inc.
nathan at
robotics.net nathan at
http://www.robotics.net http://www.blinkmind.com