On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 2:53 PM <vrk5398(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Did anyone managed to install oVirt on RHEL8?
If so, Can you please guide me?
I'm trying to install but it throws an error as "Failed to synchronize
repo for ovirt-*".
Please help me.
Any reason for that, considering that RHEL 8 is not listed among the
supported ones
(for hypervisor or engine) neither in latest stable 4.3.3 (
https://ovirt.org/release/4.3.3/#centos--rhel ), nor in latest release
candidate for upcoming 4.3.4 (
https://ovirt.org/release/4.3.4/ )?
Supported only as a guest, both on oVirt 4.3.3 (even if here the term
"support" could be less appropriate perhaps...) and in RHV 4.3 (