On 02/02/2012 01:48 PM, Deepak C Shetty wrote:
Hi All,
I have few naive Qs for getting some understanding on how things
are not working in my setup.
I have a very very basic/simple setup.. 1 box hosting ovirt-engine and
1 host running f16,
which is discovered and being managed by the ovirt. I don't have the
luxury (atleast currently)
to have a shared san/nas storage setup, so with help on irc, i
configured and setup local dc
with local cluster and added host to the local cluster. Now i am in
the process of adding a virtual
disk to my VM which i created using ovirt.
1) The virtual disk ovirt helps create, is a disk with all zeroes...
so even if i am able to
you created a preallocated empty system disk- this is required result.
create the vdisk and attach it to the VM, when i start vm, obviously
it won't boot, as the boot
disk is not found. How do i let the ovirt use a existing .img
you can use the run once option and change boot-order to boot from a PXE
server or attach a cd (iso files from iso domain) and boot from cd.
there is a neat option to create an iso domain using the installer
(creates nfs share on your ovirt server and connects it to ovirt). or
create an nfs export and attach it to the Data center as a new iso
storage domain.
once you have an iso domain you can copy images there using
engine-iso-uploader, or copy it with ownership 36:36
image file which already has a os
and root fs installed ( i have it from my virt-manager setup). ? I
tried creatign a new storage
domain of type iso, but not sure how to add my .img for oivrt to
see/recognize and allow me to
select that while creating a new VM ? Again, this is all local, so i
created /iso/images
and /data/images directory on my host, and tried keeping my .imgs
there, but it does not work.
2) Is thin provisioning supported with just 1 host in the dc/cluster ?
From vdsm_storage pdf
i found on the wiki, there is a diagram which uses 2 hosts to do the
thin provisioning...
so are 2 hosts a must ? Also it talks abt mailbox LV, where the msgs
are sent and recd between
vdsm and spm to do the lvextend operation.. i am not clear on where
physically this LV resides ?
on host 1, host 2 or somewhere else ? Assuming its shared storage,
does it mean that i cannot
do thin prov, with local storage, as is the setup in my case ?
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