On 15 Jun 2016, at 12:18, Giorgio Bersano
<giorgio.bersano(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've been asked to deploy a VDI solution based on our oVirt infrastructure.
What we have in production is a 3.6 manager (standalone, not HE) with
a 3.5 cluster (CentOS 6) and a 3.6 cluster (CentOS 7), iSCSI storage,
fully redundant networking.
What is not clear to me is the client side, especially because we have
been asked to implement a thin client solution but I've been almost
unable to find suitable devices.
if that client can still be a PC, albeit diskless, it’s still easier and probably cheaper
than any other special hw.
Is there anyone in this list willing to share his/her experience on
this topic? Probably my search skill is low but I've only seen
references to IGEL. Other brands?
not that i know of, and even that one had (or still have?) some issues with SPICE
performance as it’s not kept up to date
There is another strong requirement: our network infrastructure
use of 802.1x to authenticate client devices and it would be highly
advisable to respect that constraint.
for the VDI connections? I don’t think SPICE supports that, but please bring it up on
spice list to make sure.
if it would be for oVirt user portal then, I guess with pluggable aaa we can support
anything. Ondro?
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