I spent yesterday trying to upgrade my self-hosted, single-host, ovirt
engine from EL7.4/OV4.1.9 to EL7.7/OV4.3.x with a step at EL7.6/OV4.2.8.
Unfortunately that first step was extremely problematic. Specifically,
I kept hitting an issue where the installation ofovirt-vmconsole would
error out with a "non-fatal POSTUN scriptlet failure", which of course
is considered fatal:
2019-10-27 10:42:18,436-0400 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager yum
packager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-vmconsole
2019-10-27 10:42:18,504-0400 ERROR otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager yum
packager.error:85 Yum Non-fatal POSTUN scriptlet failure in rpm package ovirt-vm
2019-10-27 10:42:18,505-0400 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager yum
packager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-vmconsole-1.0.4-1.el7.centos.noarch
2019-10-27 10:42:18,605-0400 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager yum
packager.verbose:76 Yum Script sink: D: --- h# 747 ovirt-vmconsole-1.0.4-1
This appears to be
which is closed as being fixed in 4.3.1, but that *STILL* doesn't help
when trying to upgrade the engine from 4.1. to 4.2. It should have been
fixed for 4.2.8 (or push a 4.2.9 with the fix).
After googling around, I was able to work around this bug by moving
semodule out of the way:
mv /usr/sbin/semodule{,-bak}
ln -fs /bin/true /usr/sbin/semodule
and then running the update (I reverted after the update). I don't
*like* this solution, but it got it working. I'll note that I have
SELinux set to "enforcing", and I started with EL7.2/OV4.0 and have
upgraded a few times.
Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
Computer and Internet Security Consultant