Hi Everyone,
Could someone please help me - I've been trying to do an install of oVirt for *weeks*
(including false starts and self-inflicted wounds/errors) and it is still not working.
My setup:
- oVirt v4.5.3
- A brand new fresh vanilla install of RockyLinux 8.6 - all working AOK
- 2*NICs in a bond (802.3ad) with a couple of sub-Interfaces/VLANs - all working AOK
- All relevant IPv4 Address in DNS with Reverse Lookups - all working AOK
- All relevant IPv4 Address in "/etc/hosts" file - all working AOK
- IPv6 (using "method=auto" in the interface config file) enabled on the
relevant sub-Interface/VLAN - I'm not using IPv6 on the network, only IPv4, but
I'm trying to cover all the bases.
- All relevant Ports (as per the oVirt documentation) set up on the firewall
- ie firewall-cmd --add-service={{ libvirt-tls | ovirt-imageio | ovirt-vmconsole |
vdsm }}
- All the relevant Repositories installed (ie RockyLinux BaseOS, AppStream, &
PowerTools, and the EPEL, plus the ones from the oVirt documentation)
I have followed the oVirt documentation (including the special RHEL-instructions and
RockyLinux-instructions) to the letter - no deviations, no special settings, exactly as
they are written.
All the dnf installs, etc, went off without a hitch, including the "dnf install
centos-release-ovirt45", "dnf install ovirt-engine-appliance", and
"dnf install ovirt-hosted-engine-setup" - no errors anywhere.
Here is the results of a "dnf repolist":
- appstream Rocky Linux 8 - AppStream
- baseos Rocky Linux 8 - BaseOS
- centos-ceph-pacific CentOS-8-stream - Ceph Pacific
- centos-gluster10 CentOS-8-stream - Gluster 10
- centos-nfv-openvswitch CentOS-8 - NFV OpenvSwitch
- centos-opstools CentOS-OpsTools - collectd
- centos-ovirt45 CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5
- cs8-extras CentOS Stream 8 - Extras
- cs8-extras-common CentOS Stream 8 - Extras common
- epel Extra Packages for
Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
- epel-modular Extra Packages for Enterprise
Linux Modular 8 - x86_64
- ovirt-45-centos-stream-openstack-yoga CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5 - OpenStack Yoga
- ovirt-45-upstream oVirt upstream for CentOS Stream
8 - oVirt 4.5
- powertools Rocky Linux 8 - PowerTools
So I kicked-off the oVirt deployment with: "hosted-engine --deploy --4
I used "--ansible-extra-vars=he_offline_deployment=true" because without that
flag I was getting "DNF timout" issues (see my previous post `Local (Deployment)
VM Can't Reach "centos-ceph-pacific" Repo`).
I answer the defaults to all of questions the script asked, or entered the
deployment-relevant answers where appropriate. In doing this I double-checked every answer
before hitting <Enter>. Everything progressed smoothly until the deployment reached
the "Wait for the host to be up" task... which then hung for more than 30
minutes before failing.
From the ovirt-hosted-engine-setup... log file:
- 2022-10-20 17:54:26,285+1100 ERROR otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils
ansible_utils._process_output:113 fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed":
false, "msg": "Host is not up, please check logs, perhaps also on the
engine machine"}
I checked the following log files and found all of the relevant ERROR lines, then checked
several 10s of proceeding and succeeding lines trying to determine what was going wrong,
but I could not determine anything.
- ovirt-hosted-engine-setup...
- ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-ansible-bootstrap_local_vm...
- ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-ansible-final_clean... - not really relevant, I believe
I can include the log files (or the relevant parts of the log files) if people want - but
that are very large: several 100 kilobytes each.
I also googled "oVirt Host is not up" and found several entries, but after
reading them all the most relevant seems to be a thread from these mailing list: `Install
of RHV 4.4 failing - "Host is not up, please check logs, perhaps also on the engine
machine"` - but this seems to be talking about an upgrade and I didn't gleam
anything useful from it - I could, of course, be wrong about that.
So my questions are:
- Where else should I be looking (ie other log files, etc, and possible where to find
- Does anyone have any idea why this isn't working?
- Does anyone have a work-around (including a completely manual process to get things
working - I don't mind working in the CLI with virsh, etc)?
- What am I doing wrong?
Please, I'm really stumped with this, and I really do need help.