Thank you for previous answers. I don't have problems with checkpoints anymore.
I am trying to send PATCH request to imageio but it seems like I don't have write
access. In the documentation I saw that it must be a RAW format. I think I am missing
something else.
OPTIONS Request:
"features": [
"max_readers": 8,
"max_writers": 8
PATCH Request:
You are not allowed to access this resource: Ticket 485493df-b07a-495c-8aa3-824aad45b4ab
forbids write
I created transfer using java sdk:
ImageTransfer imageTransfer =
It's similar to python examples.
Best Regards
Łukasz Kołaciński
Junior Java Developer
e-mail: l.kolacinski@storware.eu<mailto:l.kolacinski@storware.eu>
ul. Leszno 8/44
01-192 Warszawa
www.storware.eu <
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