tried latest version with
that used
I presume it is the latest RC available.
after install, inside the sh engine webadmin portal I see:
oVirt Engine Version:
During storage configuration I choose:
During customization use CTRL-D to abort.
Please specify the storage you would like to use (glusterfs,
iscsi, fc, nfs3, nfs4)[nfs3]:
Please specify the full shared storage connection path to use
(example: host:/path): ovc71
ESC[92m[ INFO ]ESC[0m Installing on first host
Please provide storage domain name. [hosted_storage]: she_sdomain
Local storage datacenter name is an internal name
and currently will not be shown in engine's admin UI.
Please enter local datacenter name [hosted_datacenter]:
I don't understand the meaning of the sentence above:
Local storage datacenter name is an internal name
and currently will not be shown in engine's admin UI.
How is the chosen "she_datacenter" name related with the "Default"
datacenter where the hypervisor is put in? Do I have to manually create it
(I don't see this se_datacenter in webadmin portal)?
Also, I know there is open bug
But it seems I'm not able to to import the storage domain...
In events, when I import, I have the sequence
Storage Domain she_sdomain was added by admin@internal
VDSM ovc71.localdomain.local command failed: Cannot acquire host id:
(u'9f1ec45d-0c32-4bfc-8b67-372d6f204fd1', SanlockException(22, 'Sanlock
lockspace add failure', 'Invalid argument'))
Failed to attach Storage Domains to Data Center Default. (User:
Failed to attach Storage Domain she_sdomain to Data Center Default. (User:
What should be the flow to compensate the bug? Do I have actually to
attache it to "Default" datacenter or what? Is it expected to be fixed
before 3.6?