On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 06:41:38PM +0530, Budur Nagaraju wrote:
Getting below error while adding a host,
2015-11-20 18:40:36,397 INFO
(ajp-- FINISH, FenceVdsVDSCommand, return: Test Succeeded,
on, log id: 6495791f
2015-11-20 18:40:40,588 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVdsCommand]
(ajp-- [2933038a] CanDoAction of action AddVds failed for
user admin@internal. Reasons: VAR__ACTION__ADD,VAR__TYPE__HOST,$server
Sometimes lazy vendors ship multiple hosts with the same system-uuid.
# uuidgen > /etc/vdsm/vdsm.id
on the faulty host would provide it with a new individual ovirt-level
However, this can also happen if you are trying to re-add an existing
host with another IP address it may have, so beware.
I wish this bit of information was given within the error message
(together with the name and UUID of the existing host). Can you open an
infra bug asking that?