You should only remove the required property from the network, this will
release the host from the activating cycle in which it's stuck now.
On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 3:39 PM, Callum Smith <callum(a)> wrote:
Dear Michael,
Good to know - didn't know about that path to configure networks.
What's the procedure to remove the failing hosts and re-install? I can't
get them into maintenance mode to then install them.
Callum Smith
Research Computing Core
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
University of Oxford
e. callum(a)
On 8 May 2018, at 12:37, Michael Burman <mburman(a)> wrote:
Hi Callum
Looks like you hitting
Do you have a required network in your env(except ovirtmgmt)? try to
uncheck the 'required' from this network, this will solve the issue(via
Clusters>network or Networks>Cluster).
The bug was fixed in ovirt-engine-
On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 12:55 PM, Callum Smith <callum(a)>
> Dear All,
> There appears to be an issue with the host install on these, there's
> quite a lot of errors being kicked out into the logs as they cycle through
> attempting to activate, failing, and then failing to go into maintenance. I
> can't remove the hosts from the engine to attempt to reinstall them.
> Issue presented from having a statically configured network on the
> ovritmgmt network on the hosts before running the host install. There are
> SQL errors (FK missing) and assorted goodness in there.
> Any help greatly appreciated, not sure what the next step forward is from
> here
> Engine.log on dropbox:
> PS. Sorry if this comes through a few times, mailing list membership
> seems to be having a funny turn this morning.
> Regards,
> Callum
> --
> Callum Smith
> Research Computing Core
> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
> University of Oxford
> e. callum(a)
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Michael Burman
Senior Quality engineer - rhv network - redhat israel
Red Hat
mburman(a) M: 0545355725 IM: mburman
Michael Burman
Senior Quality engineer - rhv network - redhat israel
Red Hat