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Im trying to migrate a VM from a qemu kvm server. I'm not sure of the correct syntax:
virt-v2v -ic qemu+ssh://root@ server_ip_addr /system -op export_domain --bridge ovirtmgmt
I have setup a NFS/export storage on the manager, for the export domain. How can I find
the correct path of the export_domain?
Jose Ferradeira
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<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0;
}</style></head><body><div style='font-family:
arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color:
#000000'>Hi,<br><br>Im trying to migrate a VM from a qemu kvm server.
I'm not sure of the correct syntax:<br><br>virt-v2v -ic
qemu+ssh://root@<span style="font-style:
italic;">server_ip_addr</span>/system -op <span style="font-style:
italic;">export_domain</span> --bridge ovirtmgmt <span
style="font-style: italic;">kvm_vm_name</span><br><br>I
have setup a NFS/export storage on the manager, for the export domain. How can I find the
correct path of the export_domain?<br><br>regards<br><br>--
<br><div><span name="x"></span><hr style="width:
100%; height: 2px;">Jose