after setting up a new oVirt Cluster with buildin keycloak i have issues login in as
admin@ovirt, looks like i saved the wrong password in my password manager, now i have
issues finding a way to reset the password of this user to do administration in the
keycloak admin console, i tried changing the password with:
/usr/share/ovirt-engine-keycloak/bin/add-user-keycloak.sh and
/usr/share/ovirt-engine-wildfly/bin/add-user-keycloak.sh. Both without success, i found i
can create a new "keycloak-add-user.json" with the second command and i can copy
it over to the right place where the old file was, after rebooting the hosted engine this
has no effect.
Is there a known way to reset admin@ovirt with the internal keycloak? i cant find anything
in the docs.