On 1/20/25 11:37, Nathanaël Blanchet wrote:
Le mardi 14 janvier 2025 à 17:28 +0100, Jean-Louis Dupond via Users
écrit :
> Hi,
> We've setup some alternative for the (dead) Zanata translation
> project
> for oVirt.
> You can find the Weblate setup on the following location:
> So if somebody wants to add translations, feel free! :)
> Will try to add translations for the other projects the coming days.
> Next to that, we are working hard to get oVirt better!
> If you want to help, feel free to open PR's or send me an mail.
> A lot can be done, so you won't get bored.
> Some things that we are looking into:
> - Java updates
> - Wildfly update
> - AlmaLinux 10 / CentOS Stream 10 support
Are ovirt-ng builds still on the board or will you only focus to
regular el10?
For us the ovirt-ng/ovirt-node builds don't really have a big
And they cost quite some maintenance work to keep them updated etc.
So I think for now, the ovirt-ng builds will be unmaintained.
BUT, I would say, if they are important for you, feel free to take it up
and work on them.
>> Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
>> Jean-Louis
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