ok - here we go.. shed some light on the situation...
it looks like the ISO mount is being mounted as user/group nobody on the hypervisor....
drwxr-xr-x. 3 nobody nobody 4096 Feb 10 02:52 ovirtmgr.foo.com:_mnt_ISO
This might explain it because the vdsm user cannot read the iso as its mode 640
However on the iso domain host - the permissions are correct.. so the hypervisor isnt
mounting the path correctly
Its just on the hypervisor node that its mounting as nobody.nobody... i can mount the iso
share to any other linux or mac host, and it mounts with id/guid 36.36 as normal...
I initially thought that the user nobody and group nobody were somehow mapped to id 36,
but this isnt the case (its normal, 99)...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
To: "Keith Robertson" <kroberts(a)redhat.com>
Cc: "Itamar Heim" <iheim(a)redhat.com>, "Andrew Dunlop"
<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>, users(a)ovirt.org, "Spyro Polymiadis"
Sent: Saturday, 11 February, 2012 3:59:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
$ mount ovirtmgr.rsp.com.au:/mnt/ISO test/
$ su - vdsm
This account is currently not available.
In /etc/passwd, the account does not have a valid shell... should it have?
vdsm:x:36:36:Node Virtualization Manager:/var/lib/vdsm:/sbin/nologin
----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Robertson" <kroberts(a)redhat.com>
To: "Spyro Polymiadis" <spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
Cc: "Itamar Heim" <iheim(a)redhat.com>, "Andrew Dunlop"
<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>, users(a)ovirt.org
Sent: Friday, 10 February, 2012 11:59:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
I am also running out of ideas, but I want to verify a few more things
before I can safely say that there isn't a problem with the NFS ISO domain.
On the hyper-visor, can you..
1. mount ovirtmgr.foo.com:/mnt/iso /mnt/isodir
2. su - vdsm
3. cd
4. ls
Does that work?
On 02/09/2012 09:59 PM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote:
FYI - i also created a new ISO domain, attached it, uploaded my iso -
and it still doesnt appear in the webUI
I also disabled the firewall on both hypervisor and managment servers - but did not make
any difference..
does the iso need to be of a specific type? is there some requirement that it must be
bootable, or contain an OS, or something else for it not to register?
I still get the message of unknown pool id, pool not connected when i run vdsClient -s
0 getIsoList fe82b63a-3207-4ce7-a952-ae76a3ef5f24 (with the new pool id)
on the hypervisor, its mounted correctly and i can see the data in
not sure where to go from here now :(
----- Original Message -----
From: "Spyro Polymiadis"<spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
To: "Keith Robertson"<kroberts(a)redhat.com>
Cc: "Itamar Heim"<iheim(a)redhat.com>, "Andrew
Dunlop"<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>, users(a)ovirt.org, "Spyro
Sent: Friday, 10 February, 2012 9:25:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
yeppers its a test domain..
the iso path mounts just fine on the hypervisor
----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Robertson"<kroberts(a)redhat.com>
To: "Spyro Polymiadis"<spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
Cc: "Itamar Heim"<iheim(a)redhat.com>, "Andrew
Dunlop"<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>, users(a)ovirt.org
Sent: Friday, 10 February, 2012 1:31:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
Looking at the output, I'm a little curious about the address of the NFS
server for the ISO domain. You've got this...
Can you actually mount that NFS export from your hyper-visor?
Try this...
1. On the hyper-visor do this:
mkdir /mnt/isodir
2. mount ovirtmgr.foo.com:/mnt/iso /mnt/isodir
Does that actually work?
On 02/09/2012 09:11 AM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote:
> Heres the output mate - cheers :)
> DEBUG: Returned XML is
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
> <data_centers>
> <data_center
> <name>Default</name>
> <description>The default Data Center</description>
> <link
> <link
> <storage_type>nfs</storage_type>
> <storage_format>v1</storage_format>
> <version major="3" minor="0"/>
> <supported_versions>
> <version major="3" minor="0"/>
> </supported_versions>
> <status>
> <state>up</state>
> </status>
> </data_center>
> </data_centers>
> DEBUG: Returned XML is
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
> <storage_domains>
> <storage_domain
> <name>ISO</name>
> <actions>
> <link
> <link
> </actions>
> <data_center
> <type>iso</type>
> <status>
> <state>active</state>
> </status>
> <master>false</master>
> <storage>
> <type>nfs</type>
> <address>ovirtmgr.foo.com</address>
> <path>/mnt/iso</path>
> </storage>
> <available>1073741824</available>
> <used>3221225472</used>
> <committed>0</committed>
> <storage_format>v1</storage_format>
> </storage_domain>
> <storage_domain
> <name>DATASTORE</name>
> <actions>
> <link
> <link
> </actions>
> <data_center
> <type>data</type>
> <status>
> <state>active</state>
> </status>
> <master>true</master>
> <storage>
> <type>nfs</type>
> <address></address>
> <path>/VMSTORE/RHEV</path>
> </storage>
> <available>5636070834176</available>
> <used>53743999516672</used>
> <committed>10737418240</committed>
> <storage_format>v1</storage_format>
> </storage_domain>
> </storage_domains>
> ISO Storage Domain Name | Datacenter | ISO Domain Status
> ISO | Default | active
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Keith Robertson"<kroberts(a)redhat.com>
> To: "Spyro Polymiadis"<spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
> Cc: "Itamar Heim"<iheim(a)redhat.com>, "Andrew
Dunlop"<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>, users(a)ovirt.org
> Sent: Thursday, 9 February, 2012 9:16:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
> To get us some more information please run...
> rhevm-iso-uploader list -v
> On 02/09/2012 03:04 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>> On 02/09/2012 09:59 AM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote:
>>> i have a data domain (NFS Data master) configured for cluster... yes
>> and it is active as well at DC level (DC, storage domains)?
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Itamar Heim"<iheim(a)redhat.com>
>>> To: "Spyro Polymiadis"<spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
>>> Cc: "Andrew Dunlop"<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>, users(a)ovirt.org
>>> Sent: Thursday, 9 February, 2012 6:22:02 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
>>> On 02/09/2012 09:39 AM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the info..
>>>> the ISO share is attached to the default domain, and is active, and
>>>> the host (only 1 hypervisor at the moment) is als part of the same
>>>> domain.
>>>> The host is up, and it displays SPM on the right hand side
>>>> the output of vdsClient is interesting...
>>>> vdsClient -s 0 getIsoList 23340f35-95ca-4b46-90ec-0c8b83a82786
>>>> Unknown pool id, pool not connected:
>>>> ('23340f35-95ca-4b46-90ec-0c8b83a82786',)
>>> did you create a data domain in this data center?
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Itamar Heim"<iheim(a)redhat.com>
>>>> To: "Spyro Polymiadis"<spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
>>>> Cc: "Andrew Dunlop"<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>, users(a)ovirt.org
>>>> Sent: Thursday, 9 February, 2012 5:22:08 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage domain
>>>> On 02/09/2012 06:18 AM, Spyro Polymiadis wrote:
>>>>> should actually mention - the issue is that i cannot see/select to
>>>>> use it in the webUI - even after logging out and back into it
>>>> 1. is the iso domain attached (and activated) to a DC with an active
>>>> host in it?
>>>> 2. check the host is up, and is an SPM (right most column in host grid.
>>>> 3. run the following command on the host
>>>> vdsClient -s 0 getIsoList 23340f35-95ca-4b46-90ec-0c8b83a82786
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Spyro Polymiadis"<spyro(a)rsp.com.au>
>>>>> To: "Keith Robertson"<kroberts(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> Cc: "Andrew Dunlop"<ajdunlop(a)gmail.com>,
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, 9 February, 2012 2:47:09 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to add ISOs to default ISO storage
>>>>> sorry to jump on the bandwagon here - ive also uploaded an iso to
>>>>> the ISO domain - which i said yes to create it locally on the
>>>>> engine-management host.
>>>>> default exported as /mnt/iso - i didnt have to manually do anything
>>>>> to add it to the domain, only activate it.
>>>>> cat /etc/exports
>>>>> /mnt/iso #rhev installer
>>>>> i uploaded my iso like so:
>>>>> /usr/bin/engine-iso-uploader -i ISO -u admin@internal -r
>>>>> ovirtmgr.foo.com:8443 upload os_2.0-784729f4-19.iso
>>>>> It finished successfully, the iso is owned vdsm.kvm and has the
>>>>> default 640 permissions.
>>>>> I tried setting them to 755 as mentioned in one of these threads -
>>>>> but that didnt help..
>>>>> $ tree -pug /mnt/iso
>>>>> /mnt/iso
>>>>> └── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm kvm ]
>>>>> 23340f35-95ca-4b46-90ec-0c8b83a82786
>>>>> ├── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm kvm ] dom_md
>>>>> │ ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm kvm ] ids
>>>>> │ ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm kvm ] inbox
>>>>> │ ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm kvm ] leases
>>>>> │ ├── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm kvm ] metadata
>>>>> │ └── [-rw-r--r-- vdsm kvm ] outbox
>>>>> └── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm kvm ] images
>>>>> └── [drwxr-xr-x vdsm kvm ]
>>>>> 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
>>>>> └── [-rw-r----- vdsm kvm ]
>>>>> os_2.0-784729f4-19.iso
>>>>> I havent rebooted the ovirtmgr host yet incase that "fixes"
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