On 1/6/2014 7:12 AM, Yedidyah Bar David wrote:
Did you have problems with engine-backup? Or had other reasons to not
use it? Thanks!
Can engine-backup be used to move an AIO configuration from one host to
I currently need to move an AIO configuration from AMD hardware to Intel
I7 hardware. The engine-backup WIKI discusses backups, but not
restores. I am a bit concerned about using engine-backup to restore an
AIO configuration to a different system as another WIKI page with
step-by-step instructions to do what engine-backup does for you,
mentions you have to do some extra steps if you are changing hostnames
as the hostname of the ovirt-engine is embedded in the database.
There really needs to be some work done in Ovirt on making it easier to
import existing disk images and just generally moving things around
without having to bounce off an NFS server.
Should I do a BZ on that?