On 08/15/2013 06:18 AM, Dead Horse wrote:
Is there any method of designating which domain should be the master
storage domain or forcibly changing the role to a different storage domain?
EG: Given the following example
Storage Domain A (Master) --> NFS --> Storage Server 1
Storage Domain B --> NFS --> Storage Server 2
One wants to do maintenance to Storage Server 1 but in doing so the
Master storage domain is hosted from Storage Server 1. Thus the net
result of taking down Storage Server 1 is that one must also take down
Storage Server 2.
Thus we know we must shut down VM's from Storage Domain A to maintenance
Storage Server 1. Suppose however that VM's are running that we don't
want to shut down and are hosted from Storage Domain B via Storage Server 2.
We would want to be able to promote Storage Domain B to Master so that
we can take down Storage Domain A to do maintenance to Storage Server 1.
Once we are done with maintenance to Storage Server 1 we can bring
Storage Domain A back on line, re-designate it as Master if desired and
bring it's VM's back online.
I know I have seen this occur automatically to a point when a Storage
Domain goes missing that is the Master Domain but I have not noted any
manual method of doing so given the above scenario.
Users mailing list
my understanding is you can move the storage domain A which is master to
maint. engine will promote storage domain B to master and everything
should continue working as is.