Milan Zamazal <mzamazal(a)> writes:
"Vrgotic, Marko" <M.Vrgotic(a)> writes:
> What I am aiming for is following:
> We have a nauseate hook which deletes dns records from DNS server, for of a VM
> That is just as we wanted it, except in a case of Migration, which is
> also a “destructive” action, looking from perspective of a Hypervisor.
> I was testing an order of Hooks triggered when I issue VM Migrate, in
> order to discover which Hook I can use to trigger update of the
> records for a VM that is Migrated.
> Seems that “after_vm_destroy” is the last in order hook to be executed
> when VM is migrated, and I wanted to verify that.
Hi Marko, I see, I understand now what's your problem. after_vm_destroy
is called on the source while after_vm_migrate_destination on the
destination and I don't think there is any guarantee in which order they
are mutually called.
> How come that there is no hook which enables VM start or continue on a
> destination hypervisor, after VM is migrated? Or am I missing
> something?
after_vm_migrate_destination is called on the destination, but see
above. A possible solution could be to look in the domain XML passed to
after_vm_destroy, there should be an exit reason in the metadata
section. If the reason is migration, then you can skip your delete
Hm, it seems there is no exit info after migration. Another idea is to
put something into after_vm_migrate_source hook that would prevent the
record deletion.