Hi all,
let us invite you to try out the latest addition to VDSM hooks: simple IPv6 configuration
with oVirt's custom network properties :-)
In oVirt GUI you can now control 4 properties understood by VDSM's new IPv6 hook:
ipv6addr, ipv6gateway (IPv6 addresses)
ipv6autoconf, dhcpv6 (booleans; use '1' or 'true' to enable them)
You will need oVirt 3.5 and VDSM >= 4.16.7 and vdsm-hook-ipv6.
Define the new properties in oVirt engine as follows (do not omit ;ethtool_opts=.* if you
are using it):
engine-config -s "UserDefinedNetworkCustomProperties=$PROPERTIES"
You can install the hook from oVirt's nightly build (also for el7, fc20...):
After you restart the ovirt-engine service you are welcome to test configuring the new
custom properties in "Edit Network" dialog.
Please note that there is little functionality available (e.g. no migration) apart from
the basic configuration but we are working to make IPv6 in oVirt a reality.
Recently, we tested manual IPv6 fencing, which was one of our goals on
http://www.ovirt.org/Features/IPv6_support. We will update the feature page next week.
We are interested in your feedback. Stay tuned!
Ondra Svoboda
If you are building VDSM from Git, your packages (namely the vdsm package required by the
hook) are versioned as 4.16.0-nnn-gitid, which does not satisfy the 4.16.7 requirement.
Please run 'git tag v4.16.7-fake' in your Git repository so the next time you
'make rpm' you get compatible packages.