I am currently experiencing a problem with my Hosted-engine. Hosted-engine
disconnected after increasing / partition. The increase went well but after
some time the hosted-enigine VM disconnected and has since been giving
alerts such as* re-initializingFSM*.
Though VMs underneth are running, Hosted-engine --vm-status:
*"reason": "failed liveliness check", "health":
"bad", "vm": "up", "detail"*
There is no backup to restore at the moment. I am looking for a way to
bring it up without redeploying the hosted engine.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
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To set up all stockpiling associations required for the host machine. This is ordinarily
kept running in the back-end during the self-hosted engine deployment. Ensure that the
global upkeep mode is empowered on the off chance that you have to run this command to
troubleshoot storage issues.